Supply of LED luminaires for LED village campaign 2013
Tender : 3 September, 2013
Sealed bids are invited by the undersigned for and on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram from manufacturers/authorized dealers for supply of LED luminaires.
The bids will be opened in the office of Chief Electrical Inspector, Zuangtui, Aizawl-796017 on 25/09/2013 at 2 PM in presence of the attending bidders. The Terms & Conditions of the Tender may be obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs. 200/- by cash or demand draft in favour of Electrical Inspector payable at Aizawl during office hours or can be downloaded from and in that case the bid document fee can be submitted at the time of submission of bids. A pre-bid conference will also be held on 18/09/2013 at 2 PM in the aforesaid Office to provide clarification with regard to this procurement.
Downloadable Documents |
General Terms & Conditions.pdf |
Chief Electrical Inspector
SDA Mizoram