Tender : 11 August, 2014
No. T-11011/73/2010-EI(SDA)/75, dated Aizawl, the 11th August 2014: SDA Mizoram the State Designated Agency for implementation of Energy Conservation Activities within the State of Mizoram, invites bids from BEE accredited ESCOs/Joint Venture of Central Power undertakings for the following work:-
Name of Work : Preparation of Sector Specific Energy Conservation Plan in the State of Mizoram.
Completion Time : 4 Months
The bid document can be purchased from 11.8.2014 onwards at the office of undersigned on payment of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five Hundred only) by cash or demand draft in favour of Electrical Inspector, Electrical Inspectorate, P&E Department, payable at SBI, Dawrpui, Aizawl or can be downloaded from the website www.sdamizoram.com and in that case the bid document fee can be submitted at the time of submission of bids.
The complete tender along with requisite earnest money shall be received up to 12:00 Noon on 12.9.2014 and the same shall be opened on the same day at 1:30 PM.
Chief Electrical Inspector,
Mizoram reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers/bids without
assigning any reasons thereof.
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Chief Electrical Inspector
SDA Mizoram